Volumes: Het Boek als Tentoonstelling
Anna-Sophie Springer

A research into books that have approached the medium 'book' as an exhibition space, and the diversity of forms in which this takes place.

“Volumes: Het Boek als Tentoonstelling” is vertaald door Rianne Zijderveld. Het oorspronkelijke artikel “Volumes: The Book as Exhibition” werd in 2012 gepubliceerd in ‘C Magazine’ nr. 116. [link]

Anna-Sophie Springer
Anna-Sophie Springer is an exhibition maker, writer, editor and publisher. Since 2011, she has been running the Berlin-based publishing house K. Verlag, promoting new forms of the book as exhibition. In her research-based practice as an exhibition maker, she collaborates internationally with artists, cultural and scientific archives and collections to produce post-disciplinary ecologies of attention and care, often focusing on difficult conversations within the intersectional domain of ecopolitical economies. http://annasophiespringer.net

Title: Volumes: Het Boek als Tentoonstelling
Author: Anna-Sophie Springer
Translation: Rianne Zijderveld

Language: dutch

Font: Helvetica
Paper: Rebello 80 gr (inside), 150 gr (cover)
Size: 10,5 x 29,7 cm
Pages: 16

Edition: print on demand
ISSN: 2775-5278

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